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Made from alchemical oil of Mercury, Panax quinqefolius tincture, Asclepius asperula tincture

American Ginseng ( Panax quinqefolius). is a powerful adaptogenic herb that brings energy to every system in the body without bringing excessive heat.  American Ginseng increases circulation between the hypothalamus and Pituitary glands which can give a human the feelings of more energy or reduced stress.  Pleurisy Root (Asclepius asperula) is a plant that brings energy to the lungs, an organ of our expression of grief, and dancing with the element of air, that was named for the Ancient Greek deity of the healing arts & medicine.

Physically the Oil of Mercury works on the thyroid Gland, upper respiratory system, inner ear, and sinuses. The Thyroid plays a key role in influencing metabolism, growth and development, and the body’s sensitivity to other hormones.

  This potion is intended for communication, expression of the arts, building bridges with others physical, emotionally and intellectually. 

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