The Infinite Illumination of the Heart


The Infinite Illumination of the Heart, Aphrodite's gateway of the winds- a potion to fill you with unconditional love courage and compassion. 

Made from Rose Potion, Jasmine Tincture, and alchemical Oil of Copper

Love courage and compassion starts as self love and compassion and radiates out front here to the humans, plants, animals and the elements.  This potion is made to be an ally in helping us respect the wild habitat of our own hearts and their shadows and to ask the world for what we want.  Consent.  Con sensual.  Con (with together) sense (feel).  Consent- to feel with, agreeing, giving permission.  It is our belief that the magic described by scientist's as photosynthesis, plants making sugar out of sunlight and organic molecules, is actually unconditional love.  The action of co respiration we share with plants- our taking in the nourishment of their exhalations of oxygen and them being nourished by our exhalations of carbon dioxide is an intimate exchange and when we can feel into the magic of that we can open ourselves into the earth as our lover and the plants as her messengers of love and our responsiblities of being tending supportive partners to her.

Physically, the Oil of Copper works on matters of the heart such as: heart palpitations, high or low blood pressure, chest pains and so on. But being an element of wind and centered in-between the lungs, we also find that the Oil of Copper works on some matters associated with the lungs such as: asthma, hyperventilation, and other respiratory issues.

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