Fanna and Baqua


The Platinum eclipse that brings annhilation of the self in the beloved and
marriage with the divine. Made from alchemical oils of platinum, gold, silver,
meteorite, Elephants Head tincture potion, Anemone tincture, and Rose tincture

Fana & baqua is a potion inspired by those Concepts from Sufism. Sufism funneh is the death of the self in God ego annihilation. Baca is the Divine marriage with the Beloved dwelling forever in that state of unity.

This potion is made with a powerful herb anemone which is a parasympathomemtic check the spelling on that word. Anemone can help end anxiety attacks with just a few drops and is a powerful Ally for breaking cyclical patterns of thinking, insomnia, trauma, and overall tension. Elephant's head (pedicularis groenlandica) is an amazing herb for physical pain and tension. It is a musculoskeletal sedative that is useful both tonically and acutely for pain. Also a rose potion for opening the heart

The planetary correspondent of platinum is an eclipse so in addition to the alchemical oil of platinum. This potion contains the alchemical oils of gold, silver, antimony, and a spagyric of meteorite

 Platinum is an oil for an awakened you. It is an essence that embodies the part of your story that clothes your reality with the garb of consciousness. A mind lost and then reintegrated as consciousness is a mind that can shape the visible world. Platinum is an oil that facilitates and stimulates intentional dreaming. The Oil of Gold leads us to be lucid, and to know that we are dreaming and are the source of that dream. Platinum lets us navigate this landscape of infinity by actively creating its corners and curves. Every path we take in this new space is the turning of the page of our never ending story. A story we write as we listen.​

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